How does your focus affect your beliefs?

As I was sitting in the lobby of my allergist’s office last week, an adorable two year old girl came up to me and grabbed a Christmas ornament on the table next to me, held it up, and said, “Ish not for play with.” A giant grin broke out on my face. This little girl looked just like Cindy-Lou-Who, the tiniest Who, from the Grinch that Stole Christmas. Just then, her mom came swooping from around the corner and said, “Suzie, leave this poor man alone. He just wants to read his newspaper.” “No, it’s alright,” I said. “She reminds me of my two daughters when they were her age.” Suzie and I then examined each of the shiny, sparkly designs on the Christmas ornament in detail. She told me the colors she saw, and said she wanted a candy cane for Christmas. “What does Santa say?” I asked her. “Ho, Ho, Ho,” she said. I have a feeling Suzie got absolutely everything she wanted for Christmas.
It’s easy to understand the fishbowl through which Suzie views the world. Her mom had recently been explaining that Christmas ornaments are not toys, and are “not to play with.” Our earliest focus comes from those who raised us. But as we grow older, we realize that we have the ability to choose our own focus.